Overview 概覽

About Us 關於我們
AniSnap! HK is an anime & doujin information portal in Hong Kong. We are providing subculture content such as anime, manga, games, light novel, music, cosplay & voice actors, etc. Also, we have news and interviews focus on local amine or doujinshi conventions, cultural and creative activities.

AniSnap! Hong Kong 是一個動漫及同人文化情報網站,提供最新次文化內容及御宅生活動向,亦拓展香港與周邊地區動漫組織協作,促進同好者交流及聯繫。

Contact Us 聯絡我們
Welcome to contact us if any new programmes announcement, events notice and press release information.

Enquiry 合作及查詢:info@anisnap.hk

Social Media 社交媒體
Facebook     https://www.facebook.com/anisnap.hk
Twitter         https://twitter.com/AniSnapHK
Instagram   https://www.instagram.com/anisnap.hk